Hi there! Glad to see you here!
More than anything else this website is a friendly web hosting shopping guide, truly focused on honesty, trust and credibility. If you take the time to make complete use of it, you'll find WHReviews.com to be a lot more than your average web hosting reviews site. The aim here is not to just give you the fish so to speak, but to teach you how to fish for great hosting by yourself if you so decide. For now though, just read the rest of this introductory page. It'll only take you about 10 minutes to do so.
Why "Web Hosting Reviews"?
Because I strongly believe in the usefulness of sincere customer hosting reviews. As the competition in web hosting industry grows, many hosts prove to be dishonest and treat their customers in an unacceptable manner, in a bid to minimize costs and extract the biggest possible profits.
To add to the problem, like mushrooms after the rain, dozens of unscrupulous "reviews" and "top 10 hosting" websites have appeared. They recommend companies that are widely known as "bad apples" by everyone who's in the hosting industry and is connected to its reality.
Why do you need WHReviews.com?
Well, I don't really need it. I just hope you do!
1. It provides a short list of honest web hosting companies, to help you save valuable time that you'd otherwise spend on investigating companies that are... how should I put this... not entirely honest. These hosts deserve the Honest Host Award, and relevant notes of interest are present on the pages dedicated to each of them -- accessible via the Honest Hosts menu. (The hosts' order is randomized, as this is not a top.)
2. It details a method to find honest web hosting companies on your own in the Host search strategy article.
3. It explains many other important things that a customer should know about hosting in the other articles that I wrote. These articles are highly recommended because they highlight many things that regular hosting customers should know about, but are usually unaware of.
Why should you trust this website?
You can trust my website and the things I say because I prove that I tell the truth. I do my best not to get too fond of any web hosting company and to keep my objectivity as intact as humanly possible. That's one of the reasons I don't write extensive reviews on this site, explaining my feelings about each company. Besides, I feel almost the same about each and everyone of them. Those reviews would be bo-ring.
I refer you to places where real people expressed their feelings about the companies where they hosted their websites. I don't want to convince you to choose a certain web hosting company. I want you to decide on your own which is the right hosting company for you. I actually encourage you to investigate other companies, beyond the ones I recommend.
Because my method of finding credible reviews is explained in simple terms in the "Host search strategy" article, you can decide if my method is valuable and trustworthy. I always give you the tools to verify me.
Because I don't ask for reviews to create my list, I really can't use the much too common technique of selecting the positive reviews and discarding the negative ones. I even send you to the places where you can find reviews on your own. Also, because I don't write my own reviews about these hosting companies (independent reviews as they're often called
And finally, to come up with the list of honest hosts I actually do what anyone should do in order to find an honest web hosting company: I search for credible customer reviews. If I decide to use a hosting company, I list it here.
So... what's in it for you?
What's in it for me? That could be a tough question for someone with things to hide.
Well, ideally, this website will help you and it will help me too. It will help you find a very good host that you can stay with for years, and it should help me earn a living. I do have to earn a living because I'm not rich. But I'm sure that money will come if I provide good service to you.
The Advertisements that appear on this site (always marked as such) are just that: ads! They are not selected companies. Of course, you can check them out, and you should do your research on them before you sign-up for their services. I explain to you how to investigate web hosting companies in this article and in a few others, too.
Also, out of 15 web hosting companies currently selected (they were 13 at some point, which was a much more interesting number
They are HostGator (which I've been using for 6+ years now to host this very site, with excellent results), LiquidWeb (where I have a VPS) and Downtownhost and Cartikahosting. If you want to read some of the reviews I found about them click here for Hostgator, here for LiquidWeb, here for Downtownhost or here for Cartikahosting.
Those are the ways in which I hope to raise enough revenue to be able to keep maintaining this website. I for one always appreciate sincerity and I hope you will appreciate mine as well! Remember, if you have any doubts, you can always verify the authenticity of the reviews. I encourage you to do so!
Why is WHReviews.com better?
There are all sorts of hosting reviews websites that talk about or collect web hosting reviews, sites posting all kinds of ratings, or top 10 web hosting companies lists. If you spend a bit of time comparing those lists, you'll see that most recommend a part of the same group of companies.
You might think: "That's normal. It means those are really the best!". Unfortunately, no. The reason that the same companies always make it to the "top" is that those companies, one way or another, pay to be listed there.
Most of the time you run across a so-called "top web hosting companies" list, all of the companies listed as run an affiliate program through Commission Junction (www.cj.com).
No, there's nothing wrong with Commission Junction or with getting paid for referrals. It's a known fact though, that the web hosting companies running their affiliate programs through Commission Junction offer among the highest affiliate commissions in the hosting industry. So, some "clever" guys thought about it: why not create websites with "top web hosting companies" lists and list these companies as "top"?
The really wrong part comes just now though: they don't rank them based on the quality of service (although they claim to), but more on the *size* of the commission or how easy it is to sell the hosting package, and with little to no regard for the service quality or actual reputation of the host. The companies offering the highest commissions and the lowest prices will often get the top spots.
At the time of this writing, I did a research on those those companies myself. Out of over 20 companies, only 2 proved to be quality web hosts according to what real people (their customers) said about them. It's also true that there wasn't much to be found about many of the companies. However, what's really worrying is the fact that except for one company (which is very good indeed), the companies that are usually listed in the top 5 are bad or really bad. In fact, there are so many negative reviews about them (real, honest reviews) that they would easily qualify to be listed in any "top 10 worst web hosting companies".
What's so different about your list of hosting companies?
Well, as far as I know, this list is unique. I can't say totally unique 'cause I really didn't look that much into it. It's not like I own a patent here. Maybe someone out there has a similar list, who knows? But from what I know, this list is really one of a kind.
That's mainly because of the criteria I used to come up with it. As I already told you, to create the list, I relied on real, credible web hosting reviews, posted freely by customers.
Another special thing about this list is that no company can get a listing without having positive reviews in web hosting forums. Also, no company can buy a listing here. I list these companies because I believe them to be really honest. That's what I value most about anyone, whether it's a company or a person.
I couldn't say which one of these hosts is the best. They're all very good if you ask me. And there is a very important question that I ask myself before I add a company here: "Based on what I read about this hosting company, would I sign-up to use its services without thinking twice?" If the answer is yes, the company gets listed. If not... too bad for them.